I'd still put Zep and Stones in somewhat the same importance area as Queen, but think they made different contributions somewhat. I just wouldn't put Taylor Swift anywhere close to any of these guys

I think most classical is fairly close over hundreds of years in general, too....just not much going on there in general but you'd probably not agree with that
Music like the type mentioned by Beato may be 'relevant' WRT record sales, use in commercials and in being "very popular with the young kids", but a lot of music is popular without contributing anything of substance to music, in general. If we were to list bands that caused changes to musical & instrumental styles, created/spawned new genres and attracted millions of people to various musical instruments, THEN, the word 'relevant' has a different meaning. Classic Rock didn't become that until it had reached the age of an adult and people still wanted to hear it, so the radio industry gave it a name- before that, it was called 'Rock music', of some type, whether blues-rock, Rock N Roll, prog rock, Jazz rock, etc. Classic rock encompasses about fifteen years of recordings and for people who like it, great. For those of us who have heard it for fifty years, I would ask the radio stations to PLAY SOMETHING ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. If some stations didn't have a playlist, they wouldn't have a clue what to play and in one local station's case, it reached the point where a DJ gave up and went on a rant at the beginning of his show, explaining that the listeners were being raped by the stations that only played what they paid for, but the catalog of great music that existed was almost endless. He continued and ended by saying "But this is likely to be the last you hear from me and I've got work to do and then, he played 'I've Got Work To Do', by The Average White Band- a song that was NEVER played on the air by ANY of the commercial stations. During the song, the station manager entered the studio and the DJ turned up the mic's level and asked "What are you doing here, Brent? What are you going to do, shut off the transmitter?" and at that point, the station went silent for a few minutes followed by the station manager turning up the mic to apologize for the DJ's rant and explained that said DJ had been fired.