pat conlon
<font color='#000000'>I wonder if I could get some opinions.
I have a B&K AVR307, Paradigm Reference speakers, high quality interconnects and speaker cable, and I am ready to jump in with the new Denon 5900. I listen to CD's DVD-A and SACD but I do not listen to vinyl....I know all about surge and line protection, I have a Niles IPC-8PRO existing now on my system, protecting ac, phone,and coax.
My electrical utility, Southern Calif Edison, provides a reasonably consistent 120 volts, plus or minus 2%.
My system is on a dedicated 20 amp circuit with a quiet ground.
Sooo.... what's the scoop on these $800-$1800+ power line conditioners HiFi folks want to sell me?
They say I got to have one....It will really make a difference, they all say my equipment will sound better.
I might be inclined if I had a turntable and needed ultra precisce speed control to listen to vinyl, but I don't.
Sounds like snake oil to me, any thoughts? TIA Pat</font>
I have a B&K AVR307, Paradigm Reference speakers, high quality interconnects and speaker cable, and I am ready to jump in with the new Denon 5900. I listen to CD's DVD-A and SACD but I do not listen to vinyl....I know all about surge and line protection, I have a Niles IPC-8PRO existing now on my system, protecting ac, phone,and coax.
My electrical utility, Southern Calif Edison, provides a reasonably consistent 120 volts, plus or minus 2%.
My system is on a dedicated 20 amp circuit with a quiet ground.
Sooo.... what's the scoop on these $800-$1800+ power line conditioners HiFi folks want to sell me?
They say I got to have one....It will really make a difference, they all say my equipment will sound better.
I might be inclined if I had a turntable and needed ultra precisce speed control to listen to vinyl, but I don't.
Sounds like snake oil to me, any thoughts? TIA Pat</font>