Newbie here. My brand new receiver that I scrimped and saved for is now in safe mode,and won’t turn on, and I am super frustrated. It was shutting down over and over while I was trouble shooting, and I guess I did it one too many times, hence the safe mode. Can someone tell me what is happening? Cause I don’t buy Pioneer customer service’s explanation. (below) Here is my set up:
- Receiver: Pioneer VSX-532 - 5.1, 150 W/Ch at 6 ohms, 80 Watts per channel at 8 ohms -
- Front R/L: Pioneer Bookshelf SP-BS41-LR, 130W Max, 6 ohms,
- Center: Pioneer SP-C22, 90W Max, 6 Ohms
- Rear R/L: Leviton SGI65 in wall, 120W Peak, 60W RMS, 8 ohms
- Sub: Pioneer SW-8MK2, 100W, but I doubt it is part of the issues since it is self powered.
The story: Before it shut off permanently and went into safe mode, I was testing a movie. The receiver would handle everything fine during parts of dialogue only, but as soon as a louder scene started, it would shut off. I then tried to plug in only one speaker at a time, with the same effect. Every single speaker (plugged in one at a time) would cause the receiver to shut off when the movie got to an action scene.
I called Pioneer, and the guy said I have too much receiver for my speakers, especially my rear two speakers. This is the entry level 5.1 receiver Pioneer makes. The manual says it can handle speakers from 6-16 ohms. I can’t go any less powerful and still get 5.1. And if that’s the case, why did the receiver shut off when I was pushing my bookshelf speakers, (one at a time) as they should be able to handle the wattage?
I am going to box up the receiver and ship it back, but I need to know if what Pioneer is saying is true. Do I need to get new rear speakers that can handle more wattage? What do I do? Please help.