So tell me, exactly why do you think I should keep the MPS-2?
Because it's BAD A$$?
Because it's more hardcore?
Because it weights 115 pounds?
There are some differences between the XPA and MPS series amplifiers. The XPA is a class A/B with a common power supply while the MPS series are class H with modular power supplies. Lonnie from Emotiva mentioned this a while ago on the forums and can be found
Those are the larger, functional, differences between the two. That being said if the XPA is designed properly there will be no issue with it powering your speakers just as well as the MPS. I will likely use the XPA or LPA to power my speakers whenever they get done. From what I have seen Emotiva's amps measure extremely well and are priced very competitively and since I will eventually need multiple amps for my active system it only makes sense
