Quite a double standard you have there...
Double standards are what make us the greatest nation on earth. Where have you been?
We want to "bring peace" to other countries' divided population while our own is still in a perpetual war with itself over differences. We want other countries to decrease their stockpile of weapons while we continue to develop and purchase more of them. We want other countries to better serve their people and provide the ability to eat and cloth their children while we continue to spit on the poor and deny opportunity to the less fortunate, all while at least 40% of our population is all for it.
Are you equating the US to a convicted criminal? Or, is that a perception issue?
I guess Dresden should not have been bombed either? Or, the whole WWII should never have started in the first place?
Nope. The US was never convicted. It helps when you've got the most money and power. You can draw all the criticism the world wants to throw at you, none of it sticks.
Dresden is still very debatable, but yes, the world would certainly be better off if WWII never happened and more importantly it never had a reason to occur in the first place. Our involvement became a necessity, it beginning in the first place (no fault of this country) did not have to happen, but that's what happens when those haboring hatred come to power.
I still stand by the belief that becoming as the monster to defeat the monster makes one no better than the monster, which is my issue with the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If anything, it is the source of all these issues with nuclear capability in the world. We are feared, and the natural response for people is to hate what they fear.
I'd love nothing more than for the world's nations to agree to a spirit of respect and cooperation rather than the current spirit of fear and intimidation. The fact is, the US wants to be the world leader in so many things. War, technology, economics. It's sad that people here believe we can't be a leader for peace, cooperation, and respect because other countries won't follow suit. I'm glad this country didn't follow that same logic in terms of technology and economics!