thanks - I think both playlist and songs are gone !
Did it remove the song library or just the playlists? Navigate and look to see if the music is still there. If it is then I think you can just rebuild the library.
Start iTunes and go to Edit - Preferences. Click on the Advanced tab. In the General withing the advanced tab it will show the location of the music folder. If it is not correct then navigate to the correct folder and click OK and it should rebuild the Library.
I want to make sure that you are talking about the main library of songs and not the "playlists" of songs within the library that he has created.
Adk highlander, thanks very much for your reply. I an a real neophyte at the Ipod and know very little about it. I have a lot (well some will argue
) of experience with stereo and HT systems but very little with the Ipod.
I am not at the particular PC or Ipod right now, but I am pretty sure the songs are gone also. Occasionally, he burns CDs from the PC ( he says he can no longer do that) and apparently both the playlist and songs are gone except for 51. Bare with me, if this is not the right information let me know what you need and I can ask him tonight.
Thanks again for your help - MidCow2