iPhone 3G Puts Sexy into Smartphone



Audioholics Robot
Staff member
Leading market research firm NPD says iPhone now outsells the Motorola RAZR. Motorola’s flip-phone was all the rage back in the days when Kerry was running for Pres. And it’s been the best selling cell-phone for the last twelve consecutive quarters. Does the general public’s demand for feature-rich cell-phones mean Apple is making us smarter?

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Audioholic Warlord
The people that bought this phone are not using for any of it's smart features. They're browsing youtube, or listening to music. This article is based on flawed Data.

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Audioholic Samurai
The people that bought this phone are not using for any of it's smart features. Their browsing youtube, or listening to music. This article is based on flawed Data.

Ohh really? I use the email and calendar function on this phone more than I talk. With the mobileme service I automatically sync my contacts and calendar on my computer at home without ever needing to connect the phone directly to my computer which is a godsend. And also I have absolutely no music stored on the phone. Most of my coworkers who have one pretty much use the phone for the same things that I do. I used to have a blackjack before the iphone and as of right now I will never go back to a windows mobile based phone. I have also had blackberry's but unless you are using corporate email it wasn't so hot. I might check out the new Storm when my contract expires as it's probably going to be the closest thing out there that will match the functionality of the iphone. Your assumptions are just as flawed.


The apps are what Apple was going for to compete with blackberry. I must say that the majority of Iphone users I know, do not take advantage of these apps,and their appeal is more sexy than functional:) With googles andriod starting to come on strong, look for alot of "previous smart phones" being rebaged and sold for lower prices. Im still waiting on 3g blackberry, damm you att:mad:


The people that bought this phone are not using for any of it's smart features. They're browsing youtube, or listening to music. This article is based on flawed Data.

I have to disagree also. I use a lot of apps like the calendar, email, Internet, etc. There's a lot of visual appeal to it, but hands down, it's the best and most versatile phone I've ever used.


Audioholic Samurai
I have a 16GB iPhone 3G for work, which I traded my old Blackberry Curve in for, and one big gripe I have with it is how slow the email push function is with retrieving my work emails. Plus it has no option to select all and mark as "read" when you're sitting in your office all day and have already read the actual messages. The iPhone makes you go through each individual message one by one in order to clear it's "new" status, and sometimes it takes forever for an email to load, especially if there's an attachment.

However, the extremely wide variety of truly kick a$$ apps is just about worth that hassle. This is one amazing device, plus I use it as my iPod now too, which means I only have to carry around one device. :)

The Blackberry was good for it's functionality, but it was very clunky and not user-friendly at all. I couldn't wait to get rid of it. ;)
Wayde Robson

Wayde Robson

Audioholics Anchorman
Lots of great comments here but first:

The people that bought this phone are not using for any of it's smart features. They're browsing youtube, or listening to music. This article is based on flawed Data.
Doesn't browsing YouTube constitute a Smartfeature?

I mean, sure, :) you might be watching insipid stuff like some high school kid doing 50-cent or the famous cat playing piano video.

I think it's amazing that browsing the Internet has become ubiquitous with the Internet. Take your mind back to 2004... nobody would have thought the average Joe would walk around with a touchscreen hand-held watching streaming video from the Internet.

Sure, we might have seen the technology coming. But not the mainstream adoption.

One can say it's become so ubiquitous that we don't even see them "Smartphones" anymore... they're just cell-phones now. The Razr is now just a stripped down, basic cell-phone.

I think it's amazing!

BTW: I don't think Sheep was talking about most Audioholics readers. I'm sure it was a broad-brush statement for average so-in-sos'.


HandHelds are the near future, so imo mobile gps and open source apps will drive the market to the pretty green$$$s
Ive been an opera mini fan, since back in day of the first apploaders:D

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