
Junior Audioholic
So awhile ago when I replaced the woofers of my psb stratus gold i due to a tear in the surround, I noticed that the internal wiring was oxidized, the plastic wrap of the wiring was sticky and the copper itself was a little gunky,

I'm wounding if replacing it with newer wire would noticeably enhance the sound. I believe it's the original wire some 20+ years old at this point.

Thanks in advance.


Audioholic Jedi
Probably not from your description, but if it makes you feel better....


Well from a maintenance perspective you always replace cabling with garf elitis or poor contact surfaces.

I've replaces a lot of Infinity RS wiring through the years. The fuse holders and drooping fuses were always a place to look for poor sound quality. Trim pots? The bass towers use to loose there WOOF behind worn but not torn surrounds..

Some things you just DO and STAY out of trouble.. Green is not good, :)

It's always a good idea to check securements screws around drivers for proper torque too.

Just stuff!!


Audioholic Jedi
The stickler in me agrees that green is not good, but it was most likely caused by the PVC jacket from some wiring back in the day. While it may be ugly, it won't much affect the sound in a way that I think you would notice. Sometimes fixing some things like this that "ain't broke" brings new issues to the situation, especially if those wires happen to be soldered.


Point taken. I've wished I would have never touched a few thing in my life. The racoon in the garbage can was one for sure. Some things you leave alone. I was 12. LOL I'm 67. I survived.. Racoons are tough. :)

Soldered terminals could be an issue, It's usually why a lot of them are green. Cleaning after stops a lot of the GREEN. Sealer spray for marine use stops a lot more . Coastal regions more so..

I worked on a lot of sea going tugs and oil rigs. Green is not your friend.. LOL

Speakers, I suppose you could let-er-rip, why not.. I use bolder SC copper/silver/teflon for internal wiring. Woofers I use heavy copper. No need to make it complicated. Good copper connections.. Spray or silicone to seal. It's just makes for a good build.

I use to see that on a lot of the older Vinyl and PVC like Monster cable turn green. It worked..


Audioholic Jedi
Point taken. I've wished I would have never touched a few thing in my life. The racoon in the garbage can was one for sure. Some things you leave alone. I was 12. LOL I'm 67. I survived.. Racoons are tough. :)

Soldered terminals could be an issue, It's usually why a lot of them are green. Cleaning after stops a lot of the GREEN. Sealer spray for marine use stops a lot more . Coastal regions more so..

I worked on a lot of sea going tugs and oil rigs. Green is not your friend.. LOL

Speakers, I suppose you could let-er-rip, why not.. I use bolder SC copper/silver/teflon for internal wiring. Woofers I use heavy copper. No need to make it complicated. Good copper connections.. Spray or silicone to seal. It's just makes for a good build.

I use to see that on a lot of the older Vinyl and PVC like Monster cable turn green. It worked..
LOL. Those big, fat Monster cables from the 80s and 90s were notorious for it. I believe that is part of why they sleeved it to separate it from the PVC in later versions. I use high silver content solder too, never had any issues, but you need a higher wattage iron so it flows nice.

RE-Soldering is where the issue comes in, if you haven't done soldering before. Isn't as simple as it looks unless you've got some experience doing it :)


Audioholic Warlord
… I noticed that the internal wiring was oxidized, the plastic wrap of the wiring was sticky and the copper itself was a little gunky,

I'm wounding if replacing it with newer wire would noticeably enhance the sound. I believe it's the original wire some 20+ years old at this point.
As @j_garcia already mentioned, the green sticky plastic insulation and green gunk on the surface of copper wires is harmless. In this case, I'd go with the old but true adage "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".

Your speakers clearly work. Replacing their inner wires won't change their sound. The same goes for replacing the existing wires with wires made of different, more expensive materials. It may be nicer looking, but that can only satisfy your eyes, not your ears.

The Chinese-made polyvinyl chloride (PVC) insulation was the source of the sticky gunk, as well as the green gunk on the copper wires. When PVC is made, the starting material is small molecules of vinyl chloride, vinyl with a chlorine atom on one end. They're mixed, treated, and heated, causing vinyl chloride monomers to join together into larger and larger molecules of poly vinyl, while releasing free chloride in the reaction. When PVC was made in the USA, the free chloride and the remaining unreacted vinyl chloride were treated to stop those chlorides from reacting with anything else. The Chinese decided it would be cheaper to skip that step. As a result, their PVC reacts with copper, making the copper surface green. It's ugly looking, but it's only on the surface. Cut off a bit of that wire, and you'll see shiny non-green copper inside.
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"RE-Soldering is where the issue comes in, if you haven't done soldering before. Isn't as simple as it looks unless you've got some experience doing it :)"

I'm with you on that. I'm not the best, that's for sure. Fair to good as the job goes. :)
I remember watching a guy use the old spoon irons in a heater box. He was soldering gutters on an all metal building. We used silicone back then it was pretty new though. You had to mix it, it was 2 part. 60/70s

The sheet metal workers used block solder bars (lead and something). They made it look easy. I tried it. It wasn't.. LOL

Surface mount work can be made to look easy. For some it is. I have to watch a video 5 times before I try on test board, much less on an ICB that needs it.. I've boogered a few with my big old hands.. When I was younger. A GREAT iron helped and steady hand. I have that. The EYES are my issue with a lot of light and mag/glass. If I can see it, I'll give it a shot.. No mirror welding these days..

I have a SLP-05 I been staring at for 3 weeks, it need new stuff. I'm just to lazy any more.. Sad to say. 100 degree weather is not helping.. The news is WAY to depressing.. I want to cut off my own ear come to think of it.. :)

I need a news LESS news channel. Less violent than the three stooges 100 times a day. "I have a DREAM!!!"
"Some day the lion will lay with the lamb in peace"

Did I say that out LOUD? I think I did....

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