<font color='#8D38C9'>You make some good points, Dan. I do think, however, that some of the tests were done with a statistically adequate amount of subjects. Also, many subjects repeated the test many many times. As you point out, a large amount of data is needed when the difference is small- I just find it humorous that the audio press claims the differences are "not subtle", "nite and day", etc etc then can't discern those differences with any statistical reliability. If it was as plain as the nose on your face, you'd think 10 out of ten would be easy. Or at least 8 of 10. I've never even seen a reliable 7 of 10.
Again, I'm not saying they all sound alike. But even if they do no amount of statistical or empiracle evidence would change someones mind. We're touching on articals of faith, not scientific inquiry. The notion that every single item of gear has its own "soul" is fundamental to the Audio Holy Writ- any suggestion to the contrary is heresy. And of course that notion would be pretty threatening to those whose livelihood is based on spinning purple prose to describe those nonexistant differences.</font>