JoeE SP9 said:
Jneutron, how would any of the factors you mention effect separation?
Very good question.
Humans hear direction based on two things, ear to ear delay (ITD, interaural time difference), and ear to ear level difference (IID, Interaural intensity difference)
(The music you purchase which is mixed down in the studio has ZERO ITD, right to left is determined strictly by the level difference caused by the pan pot)
Anything which causes a delay from right to left causes the image to shift.
Anything which causes a level difference right to left causes the image to shift.
Anything which dithers the mid/high content causes us to better perceive location (for example, a single full range driver that is moving a lot of air.
So, summary: anything which has the ability to alter right and left relative timing can cause image shift. (we are sensitive to 2 usec shifts).
Anything which can alter r-l intensity can cause image shift (we are sensitive to at least .1 dB, I suspect .05dB is closer for localization).
Any loop formed by the IC's has the capability of intercepting time varying magnetic fields. These are created by the poweramp line cords, as an example. So if the amp is forcing audio signals into the line cord, the IC's can couple to them. Never the same, of course.. And the line cord is heavy haversine, music level based of course. (this mechanism is also responsible for ground loop hum, everybody has experienced that..)
I cannot discount either the IC's or the speaker wires or the line cords altering localization parameters, which of course, is how we discern the direction of a source.
Cheers, John