No, I am just asking for a same or difference judgement. It should be rather easy, easier than a subjective opinion of the sound.
I never asked her which pair she thought was which (although one time she volunteered it).
You should. If she has a strong feeling for a cable due to sonic differences, then it would be rather easy to pick the correct cable every time. But, that has yet to happen in 30 years of testing.
I just asked her what she thought about the sound of each, and it so happened that she kept matching best sound to the most expensive cables.
Due to the flaws in the experiment, nothing more.
And we weren't using just two sets; we were using three sets.
Well, just do 2 sets the next time.
And she never saw the cable.
that is the claim. Perhaps subconscious memory did due to poor controls.
Anyway, I don't want to belabor this point. We'd probably get just as far reaching a consensus on abortion!
We just need better controls on the test, not a consensus of cable sound.
By the way, we did a similar test with two pre-owned DACs: the Pro Prime and Pro Prime 2. I ran my Rotel CD player through the DACs using the coaxial cable and also also through the RCA connects straight to the integrated amp and kept switching off via the remote control. In that case, after numerous blind tests, we were both 50%; couldn't detect a real difference.
If a dac doesn't why would cables do? Certainly a much simpler electrical signal path than a DAC.
Try the better controls suggested and see what happens.