Intelligent Design ruling

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Seriously, I have no life.
By my understanding, education is a state responsibility meaning the Feds can't force an issue to be taught. Yet the states' education systems are subject to the constitution and can be prevented from teaching certain things. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong there. I'm not American so I'm honestly not sure how it works.

Personally, I don't think that intelligent design should be taught in schools and I do think evolution should be taught as a theory, which it is. The problem with intelligent design is that it observes certain relationships in the universe, but rather than try to examine or explain the phenomena, intelligent design proponents jump prematurely to a supernatural explanation. The three great problems I see with this approach are:

1) There is no attempt to study or explain the phenomena as observed. By and large, this study is conducted as molecular chemistry and quantum physics. The jump to a supernatural conclusion before these and other fields of scientific research have rendered a conclusive verdict is premature.

2) The supernatural conclusion reached by our intelligent design friends always seems to mean God, more specifically the Judeo-Christian God. It leaves out all equally plausible and implausible alternatives. If or when science fails to explain our universe, then and only then should we be considering explanations beyond our scale, dimension, or ability to comprehend. It is a conclusion that requires a priori faith in the answer.

3) Intelligent design cannot be science, period. Science by definition provides an answer based on demonstrable, provable and repeatable conclusions. Intelligent design provides a solution that is none of those things, therefore cannot be considered science.

Yes, the VP specifically cannot order the teaching to happen, but, the office can be powerful as is the Presidents. Certainly the VP would have lots of same minds in states that the VP could influence to act?
And guess who nominates Supreme Court Justices;)

Since you brought up the supernatural, isn't that an oxymoron? Is there such in a natural universe? Is there anything beyond or outside of nature?


Audioholic Spartan
Is there anything beyond or outside of nature?
Not if you ask me, but there are billions of people that believe there is. Apparently, a belief in the supernatural is required to become President of the United States, regardless of which party you run for. Call it religion, faith, belief, spiritualism, mysticism, fantasy or delusion. Whatever you call it, you have to have it to govern.

Let's face it. A non-believer can't get nominated by either party much less get elected president. Since all other candidates believe in the supernatural to some extent or another, your choices are "How religious do you want your leader to be?"' "Which brand of religion appeals to you?" or "What other qualities other than religion does the candidate possess?"


Audioholic Slumlord
Suspicious about what?
The motivation of lawyers in general is suspicious. I suspect they make out like bandits one way or another. Drowning the loosing lawyer would certainly limit the numbers of frivolous cases. :D

If they do get a payoff, will that invalidate the case? Or the arguments and evidence provided? Just curious:D
The case is invalidated by my notion of profesional liars argueing both sides of the case. Physical evidence has a hard time proving what happened yesterday, never mind in the beginning of time. How are you gonna prove what God did or didn't do?

I believe in God to begin with but am unaffected by whether He magically made Adam and Eve or had Man start out as single cell organisms in some goop. My beliefs are untouched by what gets decided in a court room.


Senior Audioholic
There is more and more physical evidence being found that proves the teachings of the bible to be true.

there are 3268 fulfilled prophecies in the Bible!

Anyone wanting a interesting watch try the movie "Expelled".

I Believe,


Seriously, I have no life.
There is more and more physical evidence being found that proves the teachings of the bible to be true.

there are 3268 fulfilled prophecies in the Bible!

Anyone wanting a interesting watch try the movie "Expelled".

I Believe,
Isn't most or all of Nostradamus' predictions have come true? Easy to fit any event to past predictions.;)
And, no, many of the Bible stories are just that. No evidence for the slaughtering of the innocents, and a whole bunch more. It is a story book.
Yes, Expelled is such a marvelous, scholarly work that it has been so well discredited that it is not even funny anymore.

Best if you use better references than a propaganda piece.;)


Seriously, I have no life.
... Physical evidence has a hard time proving what happened yesterday, never mind in the beginning of time. .
Better throw science out the window then, worthless tool;)


Audioholic Slumlord
Better throw science out the window then, worthless tool;)
Now I know that you know that I didn't say that. :) However in the same spirit I will say that it's a good thing we had science to verify exactly what Monica had on her dress. :p :D

I think science is great. I would love to know what keeps protons together in the nucleus. One day I may know but I got 5 bucks that says a God who puts a lot of stock in faith ain't gonna be proved or disproved by science if he doesn't want to be. ;)

I enjoyed your comments on theory. I got news for you guys here as far as electrical theory is concered. It's a certainty! After you get hit across the chest with 277 there is nothing left to theorize about. Just kidding, grade 9 science was a long time ago and I can't remember what a theory really is anymore. Great thread so far. :)


Audioholic Warlord
There was a reason this thread made it to 5** posts, nothing changed.

There is also a reason this thread was long forgotten, nothing will EVER change.



Senior Audioholic
Isn't most or all of Nostradamus' predictions have come true? Easy to fit any event to past predictions.;)

I don't remember nostradamus making any prediction as specific as the coming of Jesus. It came true! If there were no other prediction/prophecy in the Bible that ever came to pass, that one alone is enough for me :D


Senior Audioholic
the link is broken....sum it up for us?



Seriously, I have no life.
I don't remember nostradamus making any prediction as specific as the coming of Jesus. It came true! If there were no other prediction/prophecy in the Bible that ever came to pass, that one alone is enough for me :D
It did come true? News to me. Stories only. But, you need to really read that book and see how contradicting it is between the different storytellers;) There is two distinctly different births, no innocent kids killed, no evidence for that. So, how many failures are in there, really. But, it is based in faith.


Audioholic Jedi
Yeah, my recollection is that the first two stories about Genesis didn't agree on the order in which things happened. No biggie for me, because like I said - I don't think that it should be taken literally. In my view, the stories in the bible (like in other religious texts) are meant to be guides for us, not history lessons.


the link is broken....sum it up for us?

Google zietguiest and watch the movie for yourself ,its pretty awakening. I am still reeling but am glad I saw it...... Religion 9/11 world bank....whew..:eek:


Seriously, I have no life.
Yeah, my recollection is that the first two stories about Genesis didn't agree on the order in which things happened. No biggie for me, because like I said - I don't think that it should be taken literally. In my view, the stories in the bible (like in other religious texts) are meant to be guides for us, not history lessons.
If it is not a history book, how can it be true?
But, it can be a guide book for being good, etc.

Also, two books on the birth are contradictory and others are not supported in history which doesn't lend the book credibility as being the 'truth.'
And, not all the books are in there, thanks to that 4th/5th century council in Nicaea. Pick and choose what they wanted to include. Manipulated then.


Seriously, I have no life.
Now I know that you know that I didn't say that. :) However in the same spirit I will say that it's a good thing we had science to verify exactly what Monica had on her dress. :p :D
Oh, you mean science can prove something but not everything? :D or....

I think science is great. I would love to know what keeps protons together in the nucleus. One day I may know
Yes, one day we may all know and certainly it is in the realm of the natural universe and to be discovered.

but I got 5 bucks that says a God who puts a lot of stock in faith ain't gonna be proved or disproved by science if he doesn't want to be. ;)
But there is no evidence for anything beyond the natural universe, do we now? So, either he is part of the natural or doesn't exist.

I enjoyed your comments on theory. I got news for you guys here as far as electrical theory is concered. It's a certainty! After you get hit across the chest with 277 there is nothing left to theorize about. Just kidding, grade 9 science was a long time ago and I can't remember what a theory really is anymore. Great thread so far. :)
what else would we do if we didn't enjoy our companies here, no matter what Different people with different ideas:D Otherwise it would be very boring.:eek: So, we are just having a friendly chit-chat:D


Audioholic Jedi
But there is no evidence for anything beyond the natural universe, do we now? So, either he is part of the natural or doesn't exist.
From Wikipedia: The term supernatural or supranatural (Latin: super, supra "above" + natura "nature") pertains to entities, events or powers regarded as beyond nature, in that they lack a clear scientific explanation.

Just because something lacks a clear scientific explanation at this time doesn't mean that it won't have one in the future. IMO, humans are far (far, far) away from understanding the universe. I think that humans tend to think at any given point in history that they've got it all figured out, only to be continuously proven wrong as time progresses.


Seriously, I have no life.
There was a reason this thread made it to 5** posts, nothing changed.

There is also a reason this thread was long forgotten, nothing will EVER change.

Well, it is hard to resist after something resurrects:D
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