Infinity Beta 250, or PSB Alpha C, Center Spkr?



Which speaker do you guys think is the better quality?
Infinity Beta 250, or PSB Alpha C ?

I've been looking for a center speaker, and can get the Infinity new for $150+ $25 Ship, and the PSB new for $189 + $11 tax.

Eventually I'll be upgrading all my speakers.

I've heard both speakers, but not in the same place. The Infinity I heard at 6th ave electronics, and the PBS I heard at a high-end local stereo shop. Both sounded good, but when listened to in different stores, comparing is difficult.

Thank you


Audioholic Samurai
marcb said:
Which speaker do you guys think is the better quality?
Infinity Beta 250, or PSB Alpha C ?Eventually I'll be upgrading all my speakers.Thank you
.....MarcB, your best bet might be to determine what your other speakers are going to be upon upgrading, and then choose your current center-speaker accordingly.....


Audioholic Warlord
I agree with mule.

Your going to want the front 3 speakers to match. If you want the infinity center, you should buy the infinity fronts, and same with PSB. Mixing and matching might give you a different sound. Its best to keep the same brand and series for the front sound stage, and back.

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Audioholic Samurai
Sheep said:
I agree with mule.

Your going to want the front 3 speakers to match. If you want the infinity center, you should buy the infinity fronts, and same with PSB. Mixing and matching might give you a different sound. Its best to keep the same brand and series for the front sound stage, and back.
.....quality sound-advice, SheepStar....Sheep, it all boils down to the soundstage ....with the soundstage being widened and defined from the surrounds, and supported from underneath by subs, that are going to be directional no matter where they land or how they fire....a sub out in the room away from the soundstage is going to be a solo act, and it better be quality....but....subs are supposed to only be a clean extension of the main's regiment....and the soundstage ARE across the I confused here and don't know it?......


Audioholic Warlord
That reminds me, I for got to put SheepStar at the bottom of my post. Thanks mule.


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