Really hoping mine comes from Amazon tomorrow, got my replacement amp today for the Ultra, so I need slap that in tomorrow and recalibrate. Was reading this review and it sounds awesome.
Audio 5 stars
"Warner's DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 surround track is, by my estimation, one of the best -- if not the best -- lossless audio mixes of the year. Powerful, engaging, resonant, immersive, overwhelming... all applicable adjectives, all wholly inadequate when describing the sonic stunner that awaits listeners. LFE output is robust and rewarding, fully embracing every tumbling van, falling elevator, devastating explosion, collapsing building, burst of gunfire, and hair-raising crescendo and brassy bellow in Hans Zimmer's score. The rear speakers are just as involving, granting Nolan's world all the nuance and activity it requires. Interior acoustics and environmental ambience, whether real or surreal, are given the support of the entire soundfield, and directionality is as convincing as it is precise. Through it all, dialogue remains undeterred, and the actors' lines, whether shouted or whispered, are never lost in the mind-bending madness. Voices dwell and thrive within the mix (yet never succumb to its ground-shaking force), effects are crystal clear, and prioritization is spot on. In fact, I don't have a single gripe to share. To put it mildly, Inception sounds utterly fantastic. "
Another thing I wish [my words] more good movies would come with, is this-
"5.1 Inception Soundtrack (Disc 2, HD, 39 minutes): Hans Zimmer's pulse-pounding film score is presented in 5.1 surround sound via a captivating DTS-HD Master Audio mix. The only downside? Rather than fill the experience with concept art, production photos or film stills, the screen simply remains black during all ten tracks. Even the option to listen to the score with some sort of visual component would have been appreciated. That being said, I listened to the entire soundtrack while writing my review. Not a bad way to spice up a few otherwise tedious hours."