I'm taking this as the "owner's thread"

. I'm helping a good friend setup his first real HT, in his first home. He just ordered the 65" V10. He is set on doing three identical speakers, upright, same plane, for the front stage, and is looking to spend about $500 per. I think there is a bit of wiggle room, but not a ton. Of course, I advised ID because they sell individual speakers. I also advised him to buy a few pairs, and send home the losers. Unfortunately, he can't be bothered. So, sight unseen, sound unheard. I think he prefers towers. Because of the extra cost of stands, and particularly because they are sold in pairs and one will not be used, I think towers might be a good idea.
Also, unfortunately, the room will not be treated, is asymmetrical, and rather reflective. At least, viewers are not against any boundary.
So, for bookshelves, I was thinking of Salk Surrounds 1s, three of them. For towers, perhaps the Aperion 5Ts. (Sorry if I get any model #s wrong). I'm going to see if he can stretch for 3x Song Towers.
I'm sure there might not be a single person who has compared, but I gotta ask, has anyone done so with a Salk bookshelf and Aperion tower. In fact, who here is familiar with the Salk bookshelves?
As for the upgrades available on the Salks, viewers will be spread out, so I don't know if the dispersion properties of a ribbon tweeter would work well. I know opinions vary on the tweeters otherwise.
Has anyone compared the finish of the standard satin black and the veneer?