I agree fully, this is why I don't peruse some parts ofthe forums anymore...it's more or less jsut a bunch of people asking for answers to things they could have researched. It's not so much a snobbery things as it is just geting tired of seeing the same question over and over.
Receivers are possibly one of the easiest things to research possible....look at the power consumption specs...if they are not around 120% or greater than the claimed power output, you can be assured that there is a fair amount o shenanigans involved in their wattage specs. Aside from that, buy it for features you want.
if one is simply inquiring as to "Is Denon Model Blah's video switching any good?"....that's one thing, but asking for the "best under $300" is one of those things that gets old....so yes a value leader chart would be awesome at weeding out these posts.
On the computer board I take part in, this is a huge recurring thing....people not searching and then asking questions that have already been answered as early as an hour ago (sometimes the post that had hteir answer was 3 posts below theirs!)...Over there I do take a point to flaming someone for asking something that is still on the frontpage when they posted....especially when it's the 2,000,000th Soundblaster Audigy and ASIO question, or the 802831203839239128303812908310231820th "How do I hook my PC up to my stereo" thread, when that answer is in the "FAQ --read this before posting questions!" thread on the top of the forum...
...ok so my opinion became a rant.....I get kinda touchy about the need to utilize search