I'm putting together a DEMO dvd and want your imput!



Audioholic Jedi
Yeah, the old ones were remastered, and Ep 4 is pretty darn old, so the "new" sound wasn't really a big improvement IMO because they didn't have a lot to work with short of re-recording. Definitely not reference stuff. IMO, the EX sound on Ep2 is pretty good too, and the video quality of Ep2 is a bit better than Ep1.


Full Audioholic
thanks again for all the imput guys!!!....good stuff!!!



Audioholic Chief
Nobody mentioned it specifically (that I saw), but the pod race from Star Wars: Episode One is pretty sweet.

I have the DTS demo disc that they sent us at CC.


PS. I have the pod race in DTS and DD on one demo disc. It also includes some other demos as well as *I think* all of the THX sounds. Pretty awesome. :D

EDIT: PM me if you want the DTS disc.

Thanks for saying something Jaxvon.
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Audioholic Warlord
CaliHwyPatrol said:
Nobody mentioned it specifically (that I saw), but the pod race from Star Wars: Episode One is pretty sweet.

I have the DTS demo disc that they sent us at CC and I'll burn you a copy if you want. It has scenes from 12 or so movies as well as two music videos. Give me a buck shipped for it to cover the disc and shipping and you can have it!


PS. I have the pod race in DTS and DD on one demo disc. It also includes some other demos as well as *I think* all of the THX sounds. Pretty awesome. I can get that for ya too if you want it. :D
I agreed, the podrace scene as some sweet bass, and my sub only goes to 30hz or so:rolleyes:

You can download all the difference THX intro's on THX.com Its pretty sweet. Everytime I play a movie off my computer(divx and such), I put the latest one(best quality) in the playlist before the movie. Really gets my friends going, even though my setup isn't THX cert. its still cool.........SHUT UP:p

The Sheep
Johnny Canuck

Johnny Canuck

How does one make such a compilation disc? i would guess with DVD Shrink but how? can someone give me a brief discription?? Thanks


Audioholic Field Marshall
Sheep said:
I agreed, the podrace scene as some sweet bass, and my sub only goes to 30hz or so:rolleyes:

You can download all the difference THX intro's on THX.com Its pretty sweet. Everytime I play a movie off my computer(divx and such), I put the latest one(best quality) in the playlist before the movie. Really gets my friends going, even though my setup isn't THX cert. its still cool.........SHUT UP:p

The Sheep
Sheep, can you post the link here. I've looked all over that site and can't find where you download the files.



Audioholic Field Marshall
Thanks. Sometimes you just can't see the forest through the trees. But it's missing my favorite one, the one at the start of Toy Story where the guy flies around to all of your speakers. My kids love that one!


j_garcia said:
Episode 1 & 2 are also in EX (they all are, aren't they?) and both have some great scenes for demoing too.
Yeah you are correct, I have them all. But I really only found that #1-PM to have great surround sound. The others were ok IMO. They all have some great scenes. My bad though, I thought 4, 5, & 6. Were in 5.1 They are good, but IMO not reference 6.1

j_garcia said:
Yeah, the old ones were remastered, and Ep 4 is pretty darn old, so the "new" sound wasn't really a big improvement IMO because they didn't have a lot to work with short of re-recording. Definitely not reference stuff. IMO, the EX sound on Ep2 is pretty good too, and the video quality of Ep2 is a bit better than Ep1.
Hmm, I was going to PM you... But you have it turned off:confused:
Anyway, the main reason about the Star Wars thing, is that my receiver goes into Dolby Digital EX mode on 5.1 DD and obviously 6.1 DD
So thats why I thought the Star Wars 4,5, and 6. Were normal DD, because of that reason. The effects are less pronounced then Episode 1 & 2.
So this goes for a lot of people about the debate is 6.1 and 7.1 worth the upgrade, and most of the time no... But its great to have it for that other time when something is done correctly in 6.1 (and to me it sounds much better than 5.1) But as far as (IMO) the upgrade in 5.1 to 6.1 is quite noticeable, but 6.1 to 7.1 is not as big of a jump. However, I would not go back to 5.1 by any means... I never use it, but for music I could see where it has a huge advantage to use the 7 channel stereo for music. But only when you have a crowd of 5 or more people that are walking around...

EDIT:: I love my 7.2 setup...:D
Oh, btw - My JBL sub may be sold, so a new Hsu VTF-3 MK2 will be on its way soon...
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Audioholic Jedi
Duffinator said:
Thanks. Sometimes you just can't see the forest through the trees. But it's missing my favorite one, the one at the start of Toy Story where the guy flies around to all of your speakers. My kids love that one!
The best one, IMO, is still the Simpsons one :D The Ovation Home Theater Tune Up disc also has a bunch of THX, Dolby and DTS demos on it.

Hmm, I was going to PM you... But you have it turned off
I normally leave it off, just personal preference.

*edit - Oh yeah: Fight Club - the plane crash scene.
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Full Audioholic
Johnny Canuck said:
How does one make such a compilation disc? i would guess with DVD Shrink but how? can someone give me a brief discription?? Thanks

Johnny.....I use both shrink and dvd decryptor (both shareware), also....'anydvd' is good for breaking copyright protection on DVD's YOU OWN!!!....Otherwise that would be stealing right?...that's the law anyway.

If you need help...just pm me.:)


Daz3d&Confus3d said:
Sheep that's AWESOME!!!.....rofl.....yeah RLA where are you? We need demo disks!!!....*Dazed grovels......."Please, please, please" *Dazed begs

Funny, yeah I got a lot of demo disc. But you guys just don't pay enough for the chance that I go to Federal Prison. Also Dazed, I think you meant Freeware - Not shareware... Those 2 programs are freeware...


Full Audioholic
I stand corrected.....*Dazed lowers head...........yeap I meant freeware!:eek:


Junior Audioholic
I second that

L-Jay said:
The opening scene on X2 with Nightcrawler is pretty tight too.
the obvious...
Opening scene of SPR


I would include:
1. Band of Brothers
2. The Incredibles
3. We Were Soldiers, (for surround bullets wizzing by)

jp silveira

MR.JP Silveira

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Blue Man Group dvd
only these.
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Thank you.

  • RBHsound.com
  • BlueJeansCable.com
  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis