That is a lot of speaker for the room, but whatever sounds best to you. If you plan on listening to cd or phono only, the big mains do factor in. If not, they do not come in to play as much. Your center Chanel will transmit a great deal of mid and high end sound from a surround sound system. As echoed here to death, spend money on good speakers. CM10's have a strange sound to some people. You could save money and get the 805's x 4, and they are the next class up. B&W is a very expensive brand, and there are many great speaker companies out that make speakers just as good for less money. I too had the B&W bug, but I ended up with Revel F208's as my main with C208 as my center. I am very happy with the choice. It's all up to how they sound to you. Just my $0.02 worth. Happy building!