I don't think about amps a lot, they're more similar than different except in power and impedance handling and I don't listen as loud as I used to either (trying to be nicer to my old ears once tinnitus arrived a coupla years ago). The least of your group would be the Outlaw 7000X I'd think, rather have one of their ATI-built amps for multich, but the 2220 seems a solid choice for the price (do they still have a 3x deal?). I wouldn't bother with less than 200wpc, and would aim more at the 300wpc range if you're going the power amp route, and I'd get one that can handle 2 ohms. Anthem and Parasound tend to be higher priced than they're worth IMO. I'm using Crown XLS amps for years along with some old Carvers, fwiw. Have you checked out the Purifi or Hypex module builds from a variety of brands?