Sometimes people get confused about what is right and what is wrong and then it is time to look in the bible. I am not against gays and I wish them well, but I do not believe in legalizing gay marriage as a right. Our Pledge of Allegiance says we our one nation under god. If so we should as a nation follow god’s laws. God passed down through Mosses the laws regarding sex. In the bible it says, “Do not lie down with a man as you would with a woman, for it is despicable,” If we as a nation recognize gay marriage, we would be putting man’s law above god’s law and we could be putting ourselves in a very bad position, and render the Pledge of Allegiance invalid. This is not an opinion, it is God’s law written true and clear.
However individuals are responsible for following or not following god’s laws. There are other religions and atheists and we as a nation should not restrict their right to their own beliefs. We should not however legalize gay marriage and lead people, and especially our youth, to believe that being gay is alright. God says no gay behavior and it is not a personal opinion. I am not a real church person, but I can read the Bible and believe in it particularly when it is so clear on this point. Our country still has to have morals and the “anything you do is ok attitude” needs to be turned around in this case.
I think a lot of people confuse the concept of "Separation of Church and State" with the idea that no mention should ever be made of religion, which is a false pretense. The concept of "Separation" was intended to prevent the government from forcing it's people to subscribe to one particular religion, as was the case in Europe and England prior to the American Revolutionary era. The founding fathers wanted a strong moral compass to guide this country, and chose to invoke certain aspects of Christianity into their philosophy that basically endears us all, as humans, to be decent to one another.
Now, I will also state that I am not a religious person. I do not agree that we should dictate what a person should and should not do, "because the Bible says so", as many people do not, in fact, prescribe to the Bible as their source document for living. However, I see nothing wrong with using the principles of good morality, judgment and common decency that are present in the Bible as a template for good living, because many of those concepts are extremely valid, whether you are a Christian or not. I believe that to come from your perspective, Exit and quote specific Bible passages does not get the message across these days as effectively as you might think.
We are one nation "under God" as described in the Pledge, and I can totally respect that, even if I don't particularly believe in the theological implications. I believe that it does represent the decency and humanity that we as Americans would/should/could adhere to as a nation, and will not ever challenge that phrases' right to belong. With this many religions present in this country, there are likewise many "Gods" under which we live, or lack thereof, depending.
Bottom line, is we do need to place a definition on what is considered right and what is considered wrong, from a moral standpoint - I do believe that homosexuality is a perversion by many standards of living, religious or otherwise, but I can respect their rights and desires to live their life the way they want to. I have no control over that. Whether it defies God's law remains to be seen, but I think that it certainly defies Natural Law. And when my children grow older and start paying attention to the world around them, I do not want them to confuse that precarious line between right and wrong, good and evil, or decent and immoral; with a country or society that is attempting to erase said line a little more and more each day.