I just want to take a little bit of a detour here. I can't say that I've seen every review that I'd like to at this site, but the reviews I have seen have been very thorough, well written, and concise. Weak points are listed as well as strong, and lets face it, most of the stuff that gets reviewed is award winning stuff, so of course it will test well. Also it would seem that the products being reviewed here are the same ones that the forum members are buying, so they must be somewhat on the money with what to review. You can't swing a dead cat around in here without hitting the words 3805 or 2500. I had never even heard of these recievers (or many others) before I found this site. Maybe with more staff they'll get to test more budget equipment, that's my hope at least. I feel that the reviews I've read on this site are the most comprehinsive and informative ones I've seen to date. I think this is a great forum, with a great and helpful member base that provides a very usefull tool for the buying public. How I wish I'd found it before I bought my JBL and Sony first system. Anyway, keep up the good work guys, and get to the budget stuff when you can.