I use a Rocketfish (wireless) to my surrounds...



Audioholic Chief
Can I run a amplifier to it and will it benefit my surround speakers?


Audioholic Jedi
I presume you have the standard one? I don't see specs, but it would appear that its receiver is amplified to power the speakers, but it has no analog outputs. So you'd need a separate amp that has speaker level inputs and it should work.

Do you get sufficient sound out of the rears already?


Audioholic Samurai
As j garcia indicated, you can's use a Rocketfish because it already has its own amplifiers built-in. If you intend to use an outboard amplifier, this is probably one of the best units of its type on the market, at least as far as reliability goes. You’ll need two of them - one to transmit and one to receive.

As far as benefit, the only thing is no wires. For that you get unknown audio specifications, and the possibility of interference from other Bluetooth devices you may have. Also, there could be noise issues of your surround speakers are super efficient.

Wayne A. Pflughaupt


Audioholic Chief
Thanks for the response guys. Do you know of an amplifier like what j_garcia describes?

Always looking for better quality sound.
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