That Dirac further lowered it still doesn't resolve that likely your sub's gain is likely at too high a level (and therefore not calibrated to reference and running hot). I'd lower the gain on the sub and rerun Audyssey and Dirac.
I'm not familiar with Jriver but understand it has pretty comprehensive dsp; look to see if it can set a high pass filter in the frequency range around tuning.
Audyssey is no longer ON, Dirac negates the need for it. The sub level setting on the receiver is separate, though.
I don't see why Dirac won't fix the sub volume, though. Among other things, it balances the volume of all speakers at the seating position, including the sub. And even if it's still above reference volume, it's something this driver/amp/cabinet combo should be able to handle rather easily.
I will now run some test tones with REW to see at what frequency my sub starts making noises, in order to find the right frequency for the cut off filter.
Edit: OK, interesting fact. I used the Generator tool of REW, and it was fine down to 40hz. Then I checked 30hz and I heard it, so I leaned over the sub to hear it better and then it was much quieter. So I got up and it was louder! I then leaned over it again, applying pressure to the top panel and it was gone! I think it might be that it's all the same problem - the cabinet not having enough bracing.
Another fun fact: the noise is
not there at 20hz! Maybe my box is resonating at 30hz? Or maybe the sub isn't as loud at 20hz... Well, the noise is also present at 38hz. Meh, I don't know what it is. Help me understand this, it's beyond my knowledge...