I think Im getting old...



Audioholic Ninja
Me and the wife went to the Luke bryan. concert last night at mohegan sun, Im not crazy about his music, but my wife likes it, so as long as she lets me drag her along to see my bands I can stand through some of hers, no matter how painful...

Anyway, it was just too loud last night, I have been to a lot of concerts and loud ones too, We sat in front of speakers at a gnr concert years ago, my eye lids hurt the next day, but last night was so loud you couldnt make out the words.... Maybe Im getting old, or maybe its because Im not a fan...


Seriously, I have no life.
Me and the wife went to the Luke bryan. concert last night at mohegan sun, Im not crazy about his music, but my wife likes it, so as long as she lets me drag her along to see my bands I can stand through some of hers, no matter how painful...

Anyway, it was just too loud last night, I have been to a lot of concerts and loud ones too, We sat in front of speakers at a gnr concert years ago, my eye lids hurt the next day, but last night was so loud you couldnt make out the words.... Maybe Im getting old, or maybe its because Im not a fan...
My sympathies. ;)

Too late to take your spl meter and check if it goes that high ;) but I bet it was badly distorting from over driving the speakers and perhaps the amps.
My recommendation if there is a next time... earplugs.


Speaker of the House
Staff member
Always take ear plugs to rock concerts, no matter what. It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. You can easily do permanent hearing damage to your ears at a rock concert.


Audioholic Ninja
I take cotton plugs, seems to do the trick and you can still hear the music and still loud, just not making you def...


Audioholic Field Marshall
Ditto the other remarks. You can go to any of the pharmacies and buy a whole bag of cheap foam earplugs which work quite well. They changed my whole attitude about live shows that feature loud music. Often they sell individual pairs of the same plugs at the show for the same cost as a whole bag full off site. Additionally, most pro sound systems are designed and sound-checked to sound better when you are not close enough to feel the breeze.

As long as you're not dead, you will be getting older, but that can be different from coming to your senses about dangerously loud music.


Senior Audioholic
Even when I was younger I didn't like when bands played louder than needed for the venue... Earplugs work well, as others have suggested.

On similar note, I saw The Aristocrat along with the Travis Larson Band the other night at a local club and was pleasantly surprised that they both played at a very listenable level:)


Always take ear plugs to rock concerts, no matter what. It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. You can easily do permanent hearing damage to your ears at a rock concert.
I ALWAYS take ear plugs just in case. In fact, I take them to other events as well. We have a local semi-pro hockey team here (Colorado Eagles) and some idiot decided it would be great to hand out COWBELLS at the door. Needless to say, I don't go to games without ear plugs.
As far as concerts go, I am old. I love hard rock and used to be able to party at a concert all night long. Now I just don't have the stamina for it like I used too. :cool:

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Definitive Technology BP7006 Mains
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Power Sound Audio XS 15 Subwoofer


Audioholic Overlord
Unless you are 80 you aren't really old anymore. Heck my 80 year old in-law still does woodworking and farming.


Audioholic Jedi
I wear ear plugs to every concert. Doesn't matter who it is or how much I like them. I like my hearing more.

If its too loud, you're too old :D
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Audioholic Ninja
I think I asked this question to the wrong crowd, lol...


Audioholic Warlord
I never use earplugs, but the concerts I go to aren't very loud.


Audioholic Warlord
I've been to many, many concerts. I've been to some that are too loud (they are, trust me) and I've been to some that are loud, but they aren't over driving their systems so it doesn't sound like crap and give me a headache. It seems that the bands with lots of touring experience sound better than newer bands with inexperienced techs. I've thought bands were too loud since I was 16. Pretty sure I wasn't old, just able to tell what good sound is supposed to sound like.


Audioholic Samurai
12 responses... all to say, "Yes sir, you are getting old".


Audioholic Ninja
Yup, you are rite Herb, definitely not getting younger... I woke up this morning with a sore back and can not remember hurting it.. and when I was making my way down the stairs my son was behind me trying to hurry me a long because I was taking to long...

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