Where did i do that i asked if i should return the yamaha and get the dennon didnt get a straight answer still open to the idea btw i have no stock in either
You know what? I made a hit n run post yesterday, read a couple of replies and mistook you for posts #5 and #9... that wasn't you and I made a mistake. I apologize for that, I should make sure I know who I'm replying before I post it.
I don't think one is going to sound better than the other outside of their respective room correction capabilities. In my (and many others) experience Audyssey MultEQ XT32 does a much better job than YPAO so that's my deciding factor for going with D&M (Denon/Marantz). I've used both, and have the equipment to measure results. XT32 hands down does a better job for my bass response and I have charts to show it.
Aside from that, in a pure direct setting and level matched I don't think there any audible differences as they are both very good, very accurate machines. So really it comes down to features, processing and maybe power, tho like I mentioned unless you're doubling power it's not that significant. A difference of 10 or 15 watts isn't going to make a big impact.