Thanks for getting back to me armarass, and thanks for the input nm2285, I hadn't heard that about the x02 models.
We actually got out and listened to everything on Saturday. This is my first chance to really write about it. To keep it short he was floored. We actually got to listen to a whole variety of the receivers, including a H&K 330, (no 235 available but told very similar) The Onkyo 602, and the Yamaha 5760. All three receivers were in the budget section, which was one room of the shop we were in. They had to move the receivers around for us, which they didn't mind (at least that's they said) because they knew we were coming and what we wanted to listen to. I could not tell the difference in any of the receivers to be honest, except maybe the speakers sounding a little more Bass rich (if thats even a term) with the Harmon 330. The guy in the shop was very supportive of the Yamaha receiver, and said that the auto setup was the best of the three because of new debugging, but I can't comment on that.
One change we will be making is the sub, we are changing to the HSU VTF-2. I had ruled out this company before because the said that they no longer shipped to Canada, but that you had to use a company authorized dealer. I assumed this meant an outrageous markup, but I was very wrong. We were able to audition the sub with the PSB image 2Bs and my goodness, what a sub. I have never heard the SVS sub with these speakers, so I can not say which is the better match, but this sub did everything I hoped the SVS would do, and it is available locally, so we have a winner and new champion. I have never heard a $3000.00 US sub,or a $2000.00 dollar one for that matter, but I can't imagine what they are capable of after hearing this "little guy" go.
We also listened to paradigm, monitor audio(bronze series stuff), and just for giggles a B&W system that was mated to seperates that alone cost about 10 X what we were spending on everything including tax. Everything sounded great, but the real value for the dollar is still the PSB image series to me. I liked it better than the Titans and more than the Monitor Audio that I have a friend who swears by, although he owns a higher model than we listened to. The B&W's sounded better than anything I have ever heard, but, the prices were as out of this world as the sound, at least for myself at the moment.
Anyway, short story long the girlfriends dad bought the HSU sub on the spot. ( I later went home and had a question for HSU regarding the VTF-2 vs the STF3. I emailed them today, and received a response almost right away, with a brief, albeit, concise answer, along with a link that prompted me to email DR. Hsu if I needed a more technical answer. I did just to see if he would answer, and less that 2 hrs later he did! That is what I call service and standing behind a product.)
Anyway, what he decided to go with is (drumroll)
H&K AVR-235, 4 PSB Image 2Bs, Image 8C Center, HSU VTF-2, Denon 1910 DVD player, Bluejeans speaker wire and bananna clips, and finally an Impact Acoustic DVI cable (thanks for the discount audioholics). All of this comes out to being $2590 Canadian including all applicable tax and import fees. This makes it $2250 before taxes, or about $1800 US dollars. I don't think you can beat this for this price.
I want to say thanks to eveyone for the imput, and just let you know that I really did appreciate the advice, it helps to know other people with more experience and a better grasp are willing to lend a hand.