Dont look at the boat as money or a cash out to make it a benefit to yourself.
I bet if anything it crossed your mind that you take it, sell it and buy a better wheel-set for that sweet Yeti or better yet, the new 575

and then some.......
In all honesty, if you are not to far from him, I say if you don't have room for it keep it over at your pop's house. Make the effort of of loading up the Nitro and pops and full ice-chest of drinks and food and some cool tunes. Enjoy the lake and talk about old times.
I recently lost my dad @ the age of 57 and he too loved fishing and I did go w/ him (both of us had owned boats) however his was more suited for fishing since it was a bass boat. Mine was a Open-bow ski boat.
All I wish is I could have my pops back, he was a strong mentor to me and him leaving me tore a 80% out of my heart!!
Live life, make time spend time with him and you'll thank me later for sure