This was one of the 1st things I did and they also did this at that shop where it was purchased....and it was sent back to the factory and returned with the same I said the shop is no longer in bizz
In that case there is a problem in the rear right channel amp board.
Proceed was made by Madrigal Audio Labs, although a Harmon company they have long since closed their doors.
If you want the amp fixed, then you need to find a tech with at least a circuit and preferably a service manual.
The procedure is to disconnect the -ve feedback on that channel and the use a scope to find where in the board the hum is being generated.
It is hard to find good experienced techs these days. Practically no one is going into the field and many have left.
The pickings are slim in your area. But you do have some places to try.
Obviously the tech at Mondial was sloppy. He probably just checked a channel or two, unless you specified the exact problem with a covering letter, and found no hum on the channels he tested and assumed you had a ground loop.
If you don't want the hassle of repair, look at the
Outlaw multichannel amp.
That is probably your best bet, a cursory review on the Net, indicates that Proceed amp is a problem child.