In wine, as in audio, whole mobs of ignorant and myth-promoting idiots walk the earth. Snake oil is definitely to be found among wine sales people, as it is among audio sales people. But there's no question many professional wine tasters can distinguish grapes, geographic origin and other facts from just tasting the wine blindly. As i said, if you're dealing with a real maverick, their capacity to identify traits in a wine is sometimes quite astonishing.
The same goes for professional musicians, who can develop an astonishing ability to identify small details, in live performances as well as in recorded ones.
Practice in sports yields physical changes in the athlete, meaning their muscles grow, but also their control of these muscles grows, to name an analogy. This implies their brains also develop by physical exercise, which indeed has been proven extensively in research. The same goes for anyone practicing anything: the brain (firmware) adapts, meaning your actual physical ability to hear/see/smell/taste/feel can in fact be improved upon by practice. Little debate there.
So why wouldn't we want to accept this? Golden ears exist in that sense. At the same time, it would be nice if the ignorant, proclaiming humans can hear above 20kHz, would take a moment to consider this is physically impossible. Humans don't hear above 20kHz. No human, anywhere, at any time since hearing tests exist, has been found to perceive tones above 20kHz. Scientific facts tend to change over time, but this one has been unchanged for a long, long time already (over a hundred years actually). So, golden ears don't exist in that sense.