So you want to spend $2500 minus the tv of $800 so can we call the budget $2000 on the high end

I agree the 709 is nice, and it gives preouts so you can add a external amp in the future... so there goes $450
You are going to need 1 heck of a Sub for that room... Im thinking 2 HSU VTF2's but start with 1 $612 each... They are awesome... I have 1 and it is low, tight, and clean...
I LOVE Ascend Acoustics for the price, so Im going to say get 3-340's for the front stage {thats what I use, it is incredible, I listened to so many speakers when buying my system, and they are leaps and bounds ahead of anything even double their price... The cabinets finish isnt life changing but the sound makes up for it... You can get these in Bstock for around $800
so $450 for the avr, 800 for the 5 speakers, a $615 for the sub puts you around $1850... And the $340s will sound great for music...
Then upgrading is easy, first add a set of HTM200's for the rear {If you buy them within 45 days from Ascend you get a $68 off of them, so they will only cost you around $250, that will give you your 5.1
Then the next upgrade can be, an Emotiva XPA-3 {3 channel 200w per amplifier} for $600 {Bstock}. to run your front stage...
Then the last upgrade can be another VTF2 sub cost you another $615, but then you will have one heck of a system....