I haven't noticed any significant influence pushed on the capabilities of an iPod in addition to an HTPC running iTunes...
In my experience, my iPod touch has offered a HTPC setup unlike any other...
Before my iPod, I spent a lot of time finding a remote and software setup that was simple and intuitive. Most ir remotes have nothing but buttons, which leaves it up to the software to provide an easy to use menu system in conjunction with the remote.
Then I buy my new iPod touch... The first app (which is free) that I download is simply "remote"... With iTunes installed and my media associated with the program, I am able to browse music and videos, and play them right from my iPod. From across the house I can change the song playing, or select a different video to play... It's exactly like using an iPod.
I would suggest that anyone with an iPod run this type of setup... It's only iPod touch or iPhone compatible, which can be a bummer, but it's a GREAT excuse to go out and get one.