Hsu STF subs cheaply made??



I looked at a Hsu STF 2 at comp USA and it seemed really cheap and was an eye shore. It had the cheesiest black vinyl and plasict Hsu badge on it. Hsu might have had good products in the past but companies such as Velodyne and Paradigm are fast surpasing them in sound quality and looks. Dr. Hsu needs to get on the ball and do some more R&D to compete.

Just my opinion but given all the choices Hsu would be near the bottom of my list.


Seriously, I have no life.
Unregistered said:
I looked at a Hsu STF 2 at comp USA and it seemed really cheap and was an eye shore. It had the cheesiest black vinyl and plasict Hsu badge on it. Hsu might have had good products in the past but companies such as Velodyne and Paradigm are fast surpasing them in sound quality and looks. Dr. Hsu needs to get on the ball and do some more R&D to compete.

Just my opinion but given all the choices Hsu would be near the bottom of my list.

You mean that for the same price the others will equal or out perform the Hsu?
JoeE SP9

JoeE SP9

Senior Audioholic
I don't think I would be looking for a subwoofer at CompUSA. Most manufacturers are producing a wide range of products. The Hsu Research subs on their site and elsewhere are not all cheap and cheesy. Their tall cylinders are reasonably priced and deep and loud. Their look might have a low SAF. :cool:


Yes even compartatively the Hsu is in my opinion equal to others. I am not saying Hsu is bad but I am saying the competition is getting tough, especially with the new Velo digital series.

In terms of Cylinder subs I would buy an SVS way before a Hsu, SVS owns the Cylinder market. Like so many other companies Hsu came out with a break through product but never really kept up or improved upon it. For the money they should have made a more attractive cabinet along with sound quality.
JoeE SP9

JoeE SP9

Senior Audioholic
I may be a little partial to tubes because my buddie and I have just finished the prototype of our tubular folded path transmission line subwoofer. Loud and deep and quite efficient. It uses a 15" woofer. :cool:
JoeE SP9

JoeE SP9

Senior Audioholic
If you are really interested technical details can be provided. :cool:
Rob Babcock

Rob Babcock

Hsu has actually continued to refine their products, although they don't just change them for changes sake like virtually every mainstream audio company does. A constant stream of "new" models each year has more to do with marketing than engineering in many cases.

Hsu's first tube subs were very short & squat "R2D2" looking little guys. The TN series has actually undergone continual refinement, with the current drivers being the 3rd distinct generation. Aside from the current box subs and the subs they've designed for Outlaw, Hsu is currently developing a replacement for the venerable TN series. Refreshingly, Hsu will sell you a new driver to update any sub to the most current spec for a small fee.

While it's true they don't spend a lot on cosmetics, I really like the looks of my TN1220's- it's an issue of personal taste, I suppose. And I find it very reasonable that they don't fix what ain't broke. My pair can still hit 120 dB @ 20 hz. Just what about that should they change? ;)

Dr. Anthony

Audioholic Intern
We think the SVS subs are better

We have seen many HSU models and feel that our SVS subs are better made and a better value but we are biased for obvious reasons ;) We who own them for our own home systems can understand why very easily.
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Rob Babcock

Rob Babcock

SVS is another company that doesn't constantly change just to keep new products in the pipe (that is to say, there seems to be a new model every other week, but the old ones don't go away! ;) ). I do know a couple guys who keep SVS subs (only for HT apps) and find them satisfactory.

It takes a dedicated audiophool to put up with a scratching post or water heater in their listening room! :D But I actually quite like the looks of 'em.

At the end of the day it's the sound that matters most to me.


My point exactly but why doesnt Hsu spend a few more duckets on the looks as well, betcha sales would go through the roof. Think of a Hsu sub packaged in an Onix Rocket UFW-10 Box????

Dr. Anthony

Audioholic Intern
SVS also has a completel line of boxes

SVS also has a complete line of boxes as well as cylinders. They are coming out with a 300 watt sub now that has an approximate $400 price point for a 10" box sub that will be better than anything out there for price. As far as I know they are not coming out with new models evey week, more like every 6 months as R&D is extensive and these guys sweat the details.

Dr. Anthony

Audioholic Intern
Keep that thought


We sell multiple Rocket ELT combo systems with an SVS sub included with the option of sub upgradability. We are the only company on the planet that can as we are the only factory authorized dealer for Onix Rocket and SVS. SVS is a very innovative company so keep that thought in mind for the future. ;)


Sounds like you guys are on the cutting edge, and I have never heard more customer loyalty then with your subs.

Dr. Anthony

Audioholic Intern
We ARE cutting edge

We are the only place in the world you will be able to buy these products under one roof at the same price as the vendors themselves. We do not charge a premium over their prices and keep their product warranty and guarantee intact. There is no other company online that is able to sell all the direct internet based equipment to the consumer like we can. Because of this we can make dream combos for people like they never could imagine buying from one vendor. We have great relationships with all our manufacturers and are THE ONLY company trusted to sell all these brands. Keep checking us in the following months because with the lineup that is coming on, you will be amazed: Speaker manufacturers, HTPC's, home automation, amp manufacturers, accessories, remote controls, tons of cable companies, furniture, plaques, screens, etc. Plus we are authorized to sell every item in the store so your warranties are 100% valid unlike the low priced gray market dealers. If you don't see it, call, because we probably just didn't get to posting it yet as the catalog is huge.

We are in negotiations with Ascend Acoustics, Orb, Aperion, Axiom and others to bring incredible package deals to you guys at great combo values. We are home audio/video nuts like you guys and want to give you better value for your money.

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