Off in another arena that touches on this issue is the matter of how certain frequencies, particularly in the subwoofer range, affect brain activity. Assuming my research-psych courses were accurate from soooo many years ago, and that the data is still relevant.....we were taught that 22 hz is the average frequency measured from a sleeping human brain.
Here's a newer breakdown on the frequency response:
K COMPLEX – measures at 33 and above cycles per second, a state of very high anxiety.
HIGH BETA – 23 – 33 cycles per second, a very tense state in which it is difficult to e rational.
BETA – 14 – 22 cycles per second. It is the awake-state of physical alertness when the mind and emotions respond to the senses. It is associated with tension and striving.
ALPHA – 7 – 14 cycles per second. In the alpha state a person is deeply relaxed with the mind completely awake. (I call this state the “golden state” - this is as good as it gets. In this state you change your world, you make your dreams come true and you change yourself).
THETA – 3.5 – 7 cycles per second. The state for night-time sleep. Everybody experiences theta twice every normal day – when falling asleep and when waking up in the morning.
DELTA – measures at 0.5 – 3.5 cycles per second. Delta is profound sleep. Dreams take place in delta, as well as regeneration and cell renewal.
And check this out from responses to resonant frequencies. Experimenting with this stuff might be more fun than '60's psychedelics!