I just bought a Magnavox NB500MG1F blu ray player and I'm trying to figure out how to make it upconvert DVDs. I've read the manual but found nothing in there mentioning upconversion.
Usually theres some kind of resolution button or something similar that you have to hold. Any help would be appreciated.
My wife bought two of the above players for the kids, and I was impressed!! WOW....load times have really improved!!!! Mine is a GEN1 player and yesterday was the instant I realized that BD players have evolved a long way in the past 2yrs!! (for the better) I connected my daughters player in her room and I was explaining how it might take 1-2 minutes to load because
"that's how BD players are".....and before I could finish the sentence.....it was loaded. Hahahahah....it was my Iron Man BD...btw
My apologies for dancing around your question.....All you need to do is connect via HDMI and configure your player to your TV-screen resolution during initial player setup. bam...you're done!! Pop any STD dvd into the player and it will upconvert automatically.
Wow....these have become small in size!! My BD player is a flippin TANK by comparison. I want to keep this and give my son my player, but my wife says no...ahahahaha
did I mention it loads fast??
Whatta steal for $78!!!