It's true, but one thing you won't see much of is people getting into tailgating fender benders. Another thing, in Germany for example, they can pull you over at any speed. If you are driving faster than the tires on your car are rated for, you get a NASTY ticket. If all of your tires don't match, also a nasty ticket. Also, spot blood tests for drunk drivers are not negotiable. If you refuse, you are pinned down and the blood is taken. They don't risk the safety of the general public for anything. Pretty sure they still do that, that's how it was back in the late 90s.
I suppose my point was a counterpoint to your assertion that driving in the US was more dangerous to one's well being than it would be in a country where speeds are excessive. Now, I agree that they do their best in limiting deaths considering there is no speed limit, but, I'm sorry, 200 mph + accident = high chance of death.
You are right that it is a lot more difficult to get a license. There was a rash of violent attacks by citizens against the testers in France, in recent years. OTOH, they don't quite NEED to have cars like we do in the US, not quite to the same extent. Their higher impaction of persons, coupled with incomparable public transit systems make that the norm.
Or of course, the famous brake-check at the sight of a trooper. Why do people do that? As a friend of dozens of NJ/NY/CT troopers, I can tell you that they catch you long before you see them. Hitting the brakes only makes them mad. They say it's the driver thinking they are stupid, and they want to "knock it out" even more. "Knock it out" is a NJ trooper term for loading you up with every ticket possible.
I see the other side to this. I would think that many an officer might be displeased if one did not show a sign of respect by indeed slowing down. I think that one of the side benefits of having patrol cars drive around is that people do in fact tame their driving, for instance.
That same friend who was nailed by the stoplight camera was coming back from visiting his sister's place, a several hour drive. He noticed a cop suddenly behind him, and he didn't slow down. If he's caught, he's caught, he figured. The officer was rather annoyed, came up beside him at whatever speed it was, and started barking at him with the megaphone/bullhorn or whatever. "Can't you see Im here!? Slow down or I will pull you over!".
BUT, who buys more cars than anyone else? We do. And where can anyone get a license? Here. Coincidence?
See above. Not a coincidence. IMO. You want to see insane driving, please visit Naples and Kuala Lumpur. I think Naples and surrounding areas take the cake. The stoplights there are a total unnecessary waste, and might as well just save on electricity.