So how would this sub compare to a PB12NSD?
My best guess:
The 20-39PC+ with dB12.1 driver:
SVS 20-39PC+ 20 Hz tune (dB12.1) - Home Theater Forum and Systems -
SVS PB12-NSD - #2 - Home Theater Forum and Systems -
The new PB12-NSD
To help highlight some of the differences between the old and the new, I'll point to the 100dB power compression sweep.
The newer NSD manages to pull this off with amazingly flat output; 25Hz-125Hz varies by less than 2dB, and is only 4dB down at 20Hz. At the same time looking at the distortion curve, the new NSD holds right at 1% THD from 125Hz to right around 32Hz, and stays under 3% till below 20Hz.
On the old cylinder in its 100dB sweep, it ranges from 98dB at 125Hz up to 106dB at ~25Hz and back down to 102dB at 20Hz. Distortion is breaking the 5% mark from 60Hz on up, and is exceeding 20% by 20Hz.
Performance in and of itself isn't what necessarily makes the newer SVS line remarkable; certainly SVS subs all perform quite well, but what makes them unique is the DSP limiting which makes it terrifically difficult if not nigh impossible to even get them to produce a "bad" noise; they gracefully bow out before issues like port chuffing become major problems. With a passive sub especially, you have to be much more mindful of how hard you're driving your sub.
Hopefully this gives you a few insights. Good night and good luck!