I disagree. Police officers yield a level of authority granted to them by government, and they are paid by our tax dollars. Abuse of that authority is an issue, above and beyond physical abuse by one human upon another. That authority was used to bring that girl into custody, place her into a situation from which she could not escape, and then beat her without having an officer of the law intervene.
Well said, yourself, Adam.
However....it is abuse of the individual, not the authority that puts him in prison. Any assault from anyone puts the victim in a situation from which he/she cannot escape. Thus the assault. Only in this case of assault, he was defending himself, but with apparent over-the-top reaction. But doesn't it really all go back to my original post...that there are bad apples in all lines of work.
If you're suggesting the fact that the event was more heinous because authority, tax dollars, and public trust are involved....well, I have some politicians for ya.....