Hi there all!
First time poster here (in need of help!)...
I, too, am trying to connect my parent's computer's music collection to my a Marantz receiver (I don't have the exact model number just yet - but will on Thursday!). My parents remodeled their basement so that the receiver can take input in 2 locations in the basement (one which accepts the audio out from a jukebox -- another location for the computer) using the female red/white audio ports (please forgive my lack of knowledge and terminology when it comes to this). These are the kind of ports you would see on the back of a VCR - the Audio IN "ports".
Anyways, when I connect the audio out from the PC to the red/white ports on the wall (which connect to the audio in on the Marantz receiver), and I turn the receiver and computer on... there is a buzzing noise. Without buying a new sound card, is there a way to remove this buzzing noise?
ANY help on this would be very, very much appreciated!