How do I play music stored on my computer over my home audio system?



Hey there,

I'm new to this forum, but i was wondering if you guys could me out. Just FYI im really dense to audio connections so the easier to understand the better :D

This is probably a popular question, but I'm trying to connect my computer sound card (Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS) to my home theatre (Pioneer something something 600 watt) so that i can hear my computer audio through my surround speakers. I've read that i can connect them through the "line" output of my sound card using 3.5mm mini phone plug w/ RCA females, and an RCA jack stereo cable into the aux input of my DVD player/receiver. I keep reading that most people have digital out in their sound card, im sure i have it too, but does the digital connection to the reciever look something special or can it be converted to a different input like composite or component?

Is this correct? If there is anyone familiar with the Sound card, does it actually have a line output? Or is there a better/easier way?

Thank you very much for any help given :)


Audioholic Ninja
Yes, your sound card does have a digital output, but it needs an 1/8" to RCA adapter to work. The digital input on your receiver would be optical or coaxial (an RCA plug for the coaxial) and should be labeled as such. If you can find your model number that would be a big help.


Hi there all!

First time poster here (in need of help!)... :rolleyes:

I, too, am trying to connect my parent's computer's music collection to my a Marantz receiver (I don't have the exact model number just yet - but will on Thursday!). My parents remodeled their basement so that the receiver can take input in 2 locations in the basement (one which accepts the audio out from a jukebox -- another location for the computer) using the female red/white audio ports (please forgive my lack of knowledge and terminology when it comes to this). These are the kind of ports you would see on the back of a VCR - the Audio IN "ports".

Anyways, when I connect the audio out from the PC to the red/white ports on the wall (which connect to the audio in on the Marantz receiver), and I turn the receiver and computer on... there is a buzzing noise. Without buying a new sound card, is there a way to remove this buzzing noise?

ANY help on this would be very, very much appreciated!


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