The theater near me is actually pretty damned good sound and picture quality wise.
Good sound, good picture, clean, comfortable semi-reclining leather seats, has a bar, but even so, if I had my druthers, I'd never choose to go there. (Only reason we ever go is because my stepson gets impatient and absolutely "has to" see some new film before it is released on bluray.
My take is, if it is a good film today at the theatrical release, it will still be a good film in a couple to a few months when the bluray comes out.
It helps that the sound and picture quality at home are just about as good as our theater. The added benefits of watching at home are also not having to deal with other people and their cellphones and crinkly bags. Concession pricing is also nuts. Sell concessions for the same price as the corner convenience store, and maybe I'll consider going more often.
At home I can pause to go to the bathroom or make myself a drink. I like this.
Honestly, in 2018, if you have the means to put together a mid level home theater, I don't understand why anyone goes to the theater anymore. It has many downsides and only one upside I can think of.
The only reason to go is if you are impatient and have poor impulse control. Star Wars will still be good in 5 months when the bluray is released.