I just found this wonderful article of a man in Poland who has just come out of a coma after 19 years!!!,2933,277475,00.html
"Despite doctors' advice that he would not live, his wife never gave up hope and took care of him at home.
"He was a living corpse," she said on TVN24.
"Now he can sit in his wheelchair and we have breakfast and coffee together," she said.
"I would fly into a rage every time someone would say that people like him should be euthanized, so they don't suffer," she told local daily Gazeta Dzialdowska. "I believed Janek would recover," she said, using an affectionate version of his name.
"This is my great reward for all the care, faith and love," she told the AP, weeping.
"He remembers everything that was going on around him," she said. "He talks about it and remembers the wedding of our children. He had fever around the time of the weddings, so he knew something big was taking place."
Reminds me of Poor Terri Schaivo. How unfortunate, and selfish to starve the poor woman to death simply for the convenience of her caretakers... Just because not everyone comes out of a coma like that does not mean that they cannot ever come out of it. There is always that possibility, this and many other stories like it prove that, and it is wonderful and beautiful to behold!
It proves to me that life is not without very dark and terrible moments, pain and suffering, and sadness. But that despite that, there is always hope.