I have an external sound card, presonus digital audio connected to a laptop via a fireiwire cable, this is then connected to Yamaha MSp5's, with the plug in on the laptop the his and static is incredible. I have unplugged it and placed it in various boards, no difference, the only thing I can recommend is a cabling suggestion.
If your computer audio device has unbalanced I/O, but you want to plug it into an analogue mixer or other device with balanced I/O, you can make up special pseudo-balanced leads that safely break the ground loop. Over the years I've soldered up lots of these to lower the noise floor of my external MIDI synths, and I've also used them to completely cure background noise problems when connecting the multiple audio channels of devices such as M Audio's Firewire 410 to my other gear.
You just buy twin-core screened (mic) cable instead of single-core screened, and then solder an unbalanced TS plug on one end (the soundcard end) and a balanced TRS jack one to the other (the mixer end). The 'tip' connections are made as normal using one cable core, while the 'sleeve' of the unbalanced end is connected to the 'ring' connection at the balanced end using the other cable core, and the 'sleeve' of the balanced end is either left unconnected, or preferably connected via a series eighth-Watt metal-oxide resistor of between 50(omega) and 500(omega) (I normally use 100(omega)) to the 'sleeve' connector at the unbalanced end. Such an approach will completely cure most soundcard ground-loop problems, and if you're going to solder up your own leads anyway it will only cost you a few pence more.
this might help