Well... I upgraded the room a bit. I bought a new bd player, so I knew the wife would have to get something of her own... we try to be fair... <cough cough>
Anyway... she tells me she wants to move the glass art glass cabinet out of the family room. I nearly started crying with joy since that's been the bane of my existence acoustic-wise since it sat about 4 feet from my speaker.
Foolish the way I am, I never should have thought the space would remain empty. No... "we" decided to get a new wine cabinet... not just a wine rack... nooooooo... a huge monster refridgerated wine cabinet to take it's place. <sigh>
The bad news is, there's still a lot of glass on it and it does get some odd sonic reflections, but the good news is... it's a huge improvement over the other cabinet. I can turn the fan off when we're doing critical movie watching of music listening since it can be distracting, but I still think it's improvement over the other cabinet. We moved everything around and appearance-wise everything looks much better... but the thing holds 500 bottles and I only had about 60... so I fear the next outing will be to get more wine.
At least it's baby steps in the right direction. The saga continues...
Here's some pics of the room and one of the newly moved art glass cabninet which I've been asked to put up better pics of before.
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