I have a LG DVD/VIDEO (V8824W) two in one machine, which also has the free to air television aerial plugged into it. It only has one video output so I placed a Y connection on the back of the LG and sent one video RCA cable to the Yamahas DVD video input and one to the Yamahas VIDEO1 input. I have an optical cable connected to provide sound for the DVD and I'm running a L+R audio RCA’s for the video/tv. Now logic would have me putting the L+R audio RCA audio cables in the Yamaha VIDEO1 but this puts the system into STRAIGHT mode. The Yamaha RX-V650 won’t let me select any other sound modes. To overcome this I moved the Video and L+R audio RCA connections into the Yamaha's DTV/CBL inputs. Now I can select a sound mode for watching TV movies. Does this seem right and why does the AV only allow STRAIGHT mode for equipment placed into the VIDEO1 input.