Actually, I'm not here to impress you or anyone else, that would be a waste of my time. Additionally, I'm not here to convince you of my point of view... It's cute you can read a few papers and call yourself an expert on the subject but it doesn't make you so... Have you ever run an ANOVA, how about a Chi-Squared test, T-tests? Do you know how they work, their weaknesses, benefits, what sorts of statistical errors they hide? No cheating and looking this stuff up
... Do you run experiments every day, know how to properly design controlled experiments? Do you appreciate the limitations of an experiment and how to intrepret results in a meaningful manner? I can, I do it every day I'm not into psychoacoustics as it is not what I study but I'll bet I have a deeper appreciation of how the ear and CNS works vs. say Dr. Toole (for example)... I'm not terribly interested if you think I'm a credible source, you aren't exactly qualified to make that judgement.
I've actually read through the ABX site before - interesting stuff... I'm not doubting their results but there are a few unanswered questions:
1) Prove to me the the ABX box does not mask any subtle differences between cables - that is prove to me the component in the audio chain with the worst S/N is something other than the ABX box
2) How was the ABX test performed? Did the listener sit there for an hour and choose over and over again? Did the listener begin to fatigue? Did the results in the initial 25 responses differ from the last 25?
3) Demonstrate reproducibility of something that is different - what is the error in something clearly different? Slightly different?
4) Are the variances in the response of people? Can some hear differences others cannot?
All of these issues are crucial and not directly addressed.
In addition over 50% of the journals listed on pcavtech are not peer reviewed journals - worthless... 50% have everything to do with ABX testing and nothing to do with audio... I pulled a few of the peer reviewed journals (JAES) pertaining to ABX testing and even some of these do not provide data suggesting that wire is wire... Many papers give a framework for how to conduct proper ABX testing nothing more. Most of the "conclusive" ABX tests suggesting wire is wire is in the non-peer reviewed journals - again worthless... I can publish my own work in non-peer reviewed journals and I can have glaring inconsistencies in my data or conclusions and it will still be published whereas peer-reviewed journals don't accept such work. This is why companies like Lexicon impress me as the algorithms are based upon work by Lex's own Dr. David Griesinger and this work has been pulished in peer reviewed journals... Other companies employ engineers not scientists - great at copying and application, poor at developing something novel.
No offense to the engineers in the crowd
Many of the other websites tell me what? Yes, the NRC is impressive and they helped shape the way the big Canadian speaker companies build speakers based upon sampling a population of people to determine what sounds "good"... Yes Dr. Toole is a very wise and intelligent man, and? How does this directly address my posts? It doesn't.
I find it interesting that despite your picking apart of my post you failed to touch on my point re: the Cardas vs. say the River cable...
Hmm, I wonder why... Re: poor IEC connections: Have you ever played with two live wires? Heard of arcing? Do you think that phenomenon is limited to large distances? I work with multimillion dollar NMR spectrometers that prove wire is not wire
Copper purity as well as things like proper cable windings (geometries) are crucial to the superconductive nature of the instrument - if a cable is wound ever-so-slightly wrong in a shim coil at the factory the magnet will quench due to resistance variations (arcing) in the wire (same thing goes for copper purity)...
Look, this whole thing has gotten out of hand. I'm not here to argue with you but rather your opinion - you can have your opinion (it is just an opinion as YOU have not done any DBTs) and I can have mine and lets leave it alone
I do think that any subtle differences in cables like copper purity, dielectrics, etc. have been blown way out of proportion by the cable industry because yes many people do buy cables based upon marketing and nothing more. Hopefully we can agree on that...
Can we be done with this?