In addition to the "normal" gear you're looking at, there should be other things you factor into the budget. At the pricepoint you're considering, dropping a little bit down in the processors (or perhaps even the speakers, as Wilson's aren't exactly a good value) would be a good idea. This level of a system deserves to get a world class setup from every angle, not just gear. In order to make the most of your system, these are some things you should be looking at.
- A Dedicated Room
This is the most important component behind your speakers. A dedicated listening/theater room will ensure that you have the best sound possible. A well constructed room should include measures for isolation (isolation from outside noise, including the HVAC system) and for acoustical treatment. The vast majority of the sound you hear (as in over 90%) is dependent on the room and speakers. Assuming you're using a high quality recording, it will be very difficult to improve the sound of your system with more expensive preamps and such. And as far as amplifiers go, the main thing to strive for is sufficient power at the impedance you need. Any quality solid state amp will have low distortion.
- Automation
Room automation is a feature that will serve to increase the ease of use of the system, as well as add to the "oohh and aaahhh" factor of your setup. With a properly configured automation system (or even just a high quality RF remote like a Harmony or Pronto), you can, at the push of a button, dim the lights, lower the screen, turn on the equipment, and anything else you need. If you want to spend the money on a Crestron system, you can get a few extra goodies, but it might be overkill for a single room setup.
- High-Quality Furniture
Any high quality system should feature comfy seats and attractive racks for your gear (if it's out in the open). Again, with your budget class, this should not be much of an issue.
If I were you, I would make damn sure that Wilsons are the right route. I would also suggest that you explore 800-series offerings from B&W. They put a lot of money into R&D with their speakers. They try very hard to create linear drivers and non-resonant cabinets. In fact, if you're a fan of music or movies recorded at Abbey Road, they just installed their new B&W 800D speakers as the main monitors in Studio 1.
Good luck with your system. You have enough money for an amazing setup. Just don't get sucked into products that are overpriced or Audio Voodoo (like insanely expensive cabling).