The Equipment Developers
Mudcat said:
An equipment "Hall of Fame" is just a shopping/wish list. But what about the folks who made the developments that we crave.
The guys who did the math to make your crossover work:
Chebysev [sp]
The guys who designed and developed the great equipment:
insert names here, I don't know their names - someone might.
The writers (the ones who didn't sell their soul).
The people who brought esoterica to the masses like Ray Kimber and Noel Lee (you don't actually have to like them or their product).
Anyway, you get the picture.
Well, as far as the guys who designed the good stuff... that, like so many other things in this biz, is so subjective.
My list would surely include
Arnie Nudell... founder of Infinity and Genesis - with the Servo Statik One in 68, pretty much invnted the sub/sat.
Paul Klipsch - considering the amps available at the time, his 1947 hyper-efficient design pretty much invented hi-fi.
James B. Lansing... OK, I just like to show off that I know what JBL stands for.
Matthew Polk and Sandy Gross - cofounders of Polk. Hey,at least somebody was doing direct/reflecting phase coherence tricks besides Bose. The SDA/SRS speakers of the 80's are still among my faves. And Sandy Gross individually for Defenitive Technology's innovative power towers and bipolar technology. Big Def-Tech fan here, boys.
Henry Kloss, the innovator of acoustic suspension
There's lots more, that I can't think of. Most recently the wizard who designed the B&W 802D's.