picked up a new Yamaha rx679 receiver last week. put it and the subs in our master bedroom mids and highs are nice, sub is so boomy and nasty sounding since in its a square now. truly unbelievable, mk5hp coming next. the f12/psw505 combo actually sound ok the in huge living room with all the angles. well, it sounds ok to me. anyway, I have questions.
So I have a 2013 Toshiba tv I am trying to run this into.. but it has no hmdi outs. 3 ins, no outs. I also have a ps3 to use (poop I just thought to check it for hdmi outs... it has one, but still no way to bring on the yamaha menus). anyway, to make short stories long, we are using rcas for the tv and I can't access the menu on my Yamaha to adjust the crossovers. I think I need to have the tv hooked up via hmdi to access it. that's what it seems like reading the manual. The tv has a digital audio out but a toslink cable isn't fitting, for sure. can't tell if its broken or different than toslink. in dire need so I'm not playing full range through my cheap towers (Monitor 60's...I like them though.. ignorance is bliss I guess).
oh, the mids and highs sound so much better. I'm guessing room gain and the fact that the speakers are 12 feet apart in a 17 foot room vs 4 feet apart in a 30x20room. thanks
edit: the TV has a digital audio out but a toslink doesn't fit. it's broken I suppose. toslink has been fine for me before. We had our tv repaired under warranty and that could have done it. could I get that replaced for 50$ or so. using rcas for sound on movies and it's not right! using computer and hdmi for music.. which sounds great. is my tv just done for? can I not use hdmi or at least toslink so I can access the yamaha menus? THANK YOU!