You're going to want to hook up the Center speaker to the center terminals, as Shock said, if it's a 5.1 it should not have a "rear center" as that would make it a 6.1. I just took a quick look online at the unit and it only has one center speaker hook up. To set everything up you are going to want to hook the front speakers to the A terminals, the center to the center, and the rear to the rear. You are not going to want to use the B terminals, these are for a second set of main speakers that you would use in another area. As using two pair at the same time my damage the amp.
Now as far as getting sound from all of the speakers you need to make sure you have the receiver set to a surround sound mode. You're old set up was using processing if you "always" had sound coming from all 7 speakers as there is not a lot of 7.1 material out there. For TV the normal option would be Dolby PLII (what I'm listening to right now) and for movies it's more likely either going to be that or Dolby Digital/DTS if you have a DVD/Blu Ray player hooked to it digitally.
Hope that helps, if you need more help we are here.