Sorry about the delay, gotta sleep sometime. My mistake on the speakers, I knew what I meant, I just didn't convey that very well. I would try looking online for sights that have free delivery, both ways. That way you can send them back if you dont like them. I too have driven 150 miles or so to audition speakers. I guess IMO, a matched set, even if it's only a 3.1 system would sound better than a mismatched 5.1. Any idea what you might be able to get for your Polks? That could help add to your budget. The rears don"t have to match. This would also allow you the flexibility of maybe a 3 channel, two channel amp setup if you decide to go that route in the future. I hesitate to recommend a specific speaker as I am a bit of a newb here myself. Hopefully others on this forum will contribute, and give you a few solid suggestions. I guess the other thing to consider is, what are you trying to achieve. I know everyone wants the best sound they can get and usually on a small or limited budget. I think in you're case patience would be a huge virtue. Stack some bread for a while, it sounds like you have a good start.