
I am going to buy either the panny 1000 or the epson home 1080. My room will be a multipurpose room. The projector is power/cabling is being set at 12.5 feet back. (building a home) This room will be a all purpose living room/tv watching room. The windows are being blacked out and the carpet we have going down is dark brown. The walls are being painted a dark brown and the furniture is dark leather. My questions is what screen do you guys think i should use to give the best picture is a semi light controlled room? Everything surrounding the projectors image will be dark. There will be some lights on in the room so wife and i can see each other and so we dont have to hunt for anything.

1. Considering Screen innovations, Carada, Da-light, etc.

I am not opposed to spending 1000's bucks on a screen since i am putting 3k into the projector. I am looking for the best screen for a projector that I am getting and dont want to screw myself and have a great projector and a half hearted screen. What do you guys think?


Audioholic Warlord
Carada Criterion Brilliant White - It is simply one of the best screens for the money, period.

FYI: For your viewing pleasure as a reminder to go with recessed ceiling lights (and lots of them) if you want lights on in the room you must have them zoned up with the lights that will be 'on' furthest away from the screen...


Also - don't forget to paint your ceiling dark. You spent all this money to do the walls and floor, but then forget about 15% of the reflecting surface? Nope! Make sure to paint that as well. If 'color' is opposed due to WAF, perhaps you can go with a medium grey.


Thanks for the tip. The entire room will be painted, but i have no idea where they will end up putting up the canned lights. Does anyone know if the picture will be sharp and nice with the carada Brilliant white screen in a room that will have some lights on. This is a one shot deal for at least 5+ years so want to get it right.

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